Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Rhythm of Change

Sometimes the food journeys are interior ones. I’ve been thinking, lately, about being gluten free for the rest of my life. This June 1 is the second anniversary of my change in diet—eliminating wheat, rye, barley and other gluten grains, and foods containing those grains—and, ultimately, my change of lifestyle. If I maintain my health, I can probably live another 30 years or so. With medical advances, there may come a day when we can take a pill and munch on a donut. I’m not holding my breath.

My diabetes (I think of these conditions as companions, as opposed to diseases!) is in pretty good control. Again living with these conditions and becoming healthier is my main goal.

Living with chronic conditions involves planning ahead. Last Tuesday night Ed and I attended an event for his professional association. It was their annual spring social, a wine tasting, with hors d’oeuvres. I asked him to get me the menu beforehand. Then I called the caterer, explained that I was gluten-intolerant and asked what would be possible. I called a bit late, so did not expect much. However, they said “no problem” just give the host my name when I arrived. I was given a lovely plate of gluten free “tastes” that went very well with the wine tastes. I brought some gluten free crackers: this is the brand I favor There was cheese plate for the table so I had my share. I also took a little container of roasted pecans to nibble during the “stand and chat” part of the event. Then I got very caught up in a couple of wonderful conversations and did not even miss the “cracker spoons with brie and pesto”—which were very cute to look at, nonetheless!

What is important, I think is finding a rhythm of change. This is taken from the closing paragraph of an essay I wrote for this class: Change usually happens slowly. .. Change takes thought: what can I do to eliminate unhealthy foods or actions in my life, and how can I still find pleasure in what remains? Change comes in stages: take away one thing, add another, adjust the seasoning, take a break and try again. Change is often painful, and at the very least it is challenging. And I can work through the pain and the challenges because I’ve learned that I am strong and resourceful. And, in the end, change is its own reward. I am healthier today for the changes I have made.

What about you? Do you have companion conditions? This blog is very willing to go beyond diabetes and celiac. Please share your changes with the rest of us…we learn from each other as we walk the road!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I do have a condition, but it's pretty mild compared to celiac. I acquired Irritable Bowel Syndrome (which I much prefer calling IBS because I don't like saying the word bowel out-loud --I suppose I am trying to avoid a rather unpleasant image forming in my mind.) a few years ago. This was right in the middle of my work on a book about coffee!! I love coffee! The other things like oily or spicy food don't bother me so much. Anyway, I'm afraid I really haven't been able to walk the road with coffee intolerance. I have found, fortunately, that just smelling it not only satisfies some of my need for the taste of it, but also that merely smelling it gives some of the physiological benefits (it's a fact!).
